Specialist Rendering Products
Weber OCR
A popular stock item at BJ Mammone & Partners
This product is a premixed sand and cement render which can be applied onto most types of masonry and acts as the base coat in various render systems from Weber.
Weber Pral-M
Weberpral M is a through-coloured monocouche render which is ideal for new build or refurbishment projects. Monocouche can be used to produce a range of finishes:
Scraped: Applied to a total thickness of 18mm scraped to 15mm
Sprayed roughcast: Applied to a total thickness of 15-25mm
Dry dash: Applied to a total thickness of 15-20mm before applying aggregates
Please Note. This is a non-stock item, available in 24 different colours.
Webersil TF
Webersil TF is a silicone thin coat render for application onto a suitable base coat or adhesive coat render which provides an even textured finish with enhanced water resistance – a reliable solution for harsh or exposed conditions.
Please Note. This is a non-stock item, available in numerous colours. Please visit https://www.uk.weber/webersil-tf for further details.